Battery bible

Information for educational purpose only

Battery bible

Batteries have been around for a while, but what is really a battery ?
According to the dictionairy a battery is:
"a container consisting of one or more cells, in which chemical energy is converted into electricity and used as a source of power."

We have compiled a list of batteries from the past to the most recent developed batteries in the market.
Important to know is that we can distinguish primairy batteries and secondairey batteries.
Primary batteries are the one you can use only once. After usage they are disgarded.
Secondary batteries are the ones that can be recharged. The number of times a seconairy batery can be recharged depends on a lot of factors.
One of the most common factor is the "dendrite" forming.
A dendrite is a kind of growing wire, each time it is recharged, that slowly reaches the other pole and shorts the battery.

We compiled all information about a battery type. Click on it to see more details.